Business I introduces you to the World of Business.
Business I- Introduction to the World of Business. The Introduction to the World of Business course provides a comprehensive approach to starting, maintaining, and/or structuring your business or business idea. These class sessions provide a basic business foundation as well as provide guidance and the development of your Business Plan. During these sessions you will receive business coaching and consultation from our Instructors, Coaches, and Staff.
Business I curriculum includes:
After completing Business I, all participants are evaluated on several factors to determine if they are able to advance to GCMI’s next level of learning called Business II: the Development of the Plan and Financial Management. Some the determining factors include but not limited to: Classroom participation, test scores, instructor evaluation, and Business Plan assessment .
There is a onetime fee for the course. The fee is based on household size and income (contact the GCMI office for more information). With the completion of the Entrepreneurial Training Academy, your first year of Business Coaching Technical Assistance is included with the course fee. |