Programs Offered

Ice House


Business I

Business II

GCMI Drive

GCMI Elite

ETA Open Doors

Financial Life Skills

Mi Negocio


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GCMI Drive gives you the opportunity to qualify for the purchase of a vehicle that will enable you to obtain employment or education.  



GCMI Drive Through a partnership with the Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency (CAA), GCMI is able to provide GCMI Drive. The purpose of GCMI Drive is to provide qualifying low-to-moderate income participants an opportunity to save for the purchase of a vehicle enabling them to obtain or retain employment and/or education.  Participants will need to save up to $1,333.00 in an Individual Development Account. Once the targeted amount is obtained the state will match their savings $2 dollars for every $1 dollar saved totaling $4,000.00.  Once the savings goal has been reached the participant will be able to purchase a vehicle from a designated car dealership. Applicants have to complete financial education classes and consumer education classes provided by GCMI. 


Criteria For Eligibility of Enrollment:


  • Income Eligibility according to HUD LMI income guidelines at 80% or below
  • Age: 21 or Older
  • Documentation of Employment or enrollment in a credible training or education program
  • Documentation of transportation stipend (if needed)
  • 3 Months of Pay stubs and/or last year tax returns at time of application
  • Must save a minimum of $75.00 per month
  • Minimum savings period 6 months, Maximum 24 months
  • One (1) car per household with exception of car that is inoperable or cannot be repaired
  • Valid driver's license
  • Must have participated or utilized CAA programs or services or referred by CAA Program Director
  • Must complete Financial Education Training (4 classes, 2 hour sessions)
    • 4-part series presented every other month (classes will be conducted in the evenings one day a week (TBD) or on Saturday mornings)
      • Must pass class test at the end of each session to be eligible for program completion
      • If test not passed, must repeat class session and meet with IDA Case Manager to review
  • Must complete Consumer Education Training (1 classes, 3-hour session)

For more information or to complete an application, please contact:
Tracey Hayes

(513) 569-4816 x 2412